Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Letter Poem

An o
Just a mere zero
But also the world
A wheel on a car
A clock on a wall
A circle
An orange
A basketball
An eye
A cheese wheel
Or a pizza
A disc
A button

Hate Poem

You’re in my language class
And you are full of sass
Your face looks like the moon
And you’re just a goon

Your eye is beyond repair
And I can’t help but stare
And as this poem comes to an end
I hope you know that you’re my friend

Full moon in the darkness of the night sky. It is patterned with a mix of light-tone regions and darker, irregular blotches, and scattered with varying sizes of impact craters, circles surrounded by out-thrown rays of bright ejecta.

Monday, January 11, 2016


There once was a bunch of bananas that all lived together in a bowl. They were the bestest of friends. There was four bananas in the bunch. Their names were Banana Jo, Banana Fred, Banana Jim, and Banana Steve. They had all lived together since they were bought from the store. Their stickers said that they were from Guatemala. The bananas used to have neighbors, the Apples. The Apples and the bananas grew up together. Then one day all of the apples disappeared. Nobody knows what happened to the apples.

“Come on guys let’s go to bed I’m exhausted,” Said Banana Fred.

“Alright,” the other bananas said in tired voices.

The bananas went to sleep in their bowl, but they didn’t know that their lives will never be the same again. They woke up the next morning like it was any other morning, but something was missing.

“Banana Jim!!” yelled Banana Jo. “Wake up guys Banana Jim is missing!.”

“Where could he have gone?” Asked Banana Steve.

“He was here when we went to sleep,” Said Banana Fred.

The bananas didn’t know what to do. They were all scared of what could have happened to their banana friend.

“What are we going to do?” Asked Banana Fred.

“I don’t know. Maybe he just went for a walk,” Banana Jo said in an unsure voice.

“OK let’s just stay here and wait for him to come back,” said Banana Fred.

The bananas sat and waited all day for their friend to return. Night came and Banana Jim was still missing. The bananas decided to wait till morning and then go look for him. They woke up the  next morning to find that Banana Fred was missing too.

“Banana Jo!” Screamed Banana Steve

“What do you want I’m still trying to sleep,” Banana Jo said in a tired voice.

“Banana Fred is gone too! What are we going to do?” Banana Steve asked.

“We have to go find them. We are bananas, and we never leave another Banana behind,” Banana Jo said.

The bananas are both very scared. They decided to go look for their friends. They started to search the house for the other bananas. The bananas  had never been out of their bowl before. They didn’t know what to expect on their journey. They looked for hours and didn’t find anything. The bananas decide to go home because it was getting dark and they couldn’t find their friends. On the way home they saw a dark figure in the darkness next to their bowl.

“Hey, what are you doing? Who are you?” Yelled Banana Jo.
The figure looked at them and quickly ran away.

“Follow him,” Banana Jo said.

The bananas followed the figure through the house. He ran into an air vent. The bananas followed him into the air vent. They didn’t think to look for their friends in an air vent. There they found a horrible site. There was two banana peels laying on the ground.The banana peels belonged to their friends. They came to a dead end.

“Who are you and what have you done to our friends?” The bananas asked the dark figure.

The figure stepped out of the darkness. At first the bananas didn’t know who was standing in front of them. Then they realized who it was.

“I am the Sour Apple!” He yelled.

“Oh my god! Jack is that you?” Asked Banana Jo in a surprised voice.

“Nobody calls me that anymore, I’m the Sour Apple now.” He told the bananas.

“What happened to your face?” Asked Banana Steve hesitantly.

The Sour Apple had a huge bite taken out of the side of his head. He told them how a human tried to eat him. They took him from his home and took a big bite out of him. But since he was a green apple he was sour, but he was way too sour for the person to eat so they threw him into the trash can and proceeded to eat his family.

“Why have you done this to our friends?” The bananas asked.

“For revenge. For many years you bananas have bullied me and my family. You made fun of us because we short and fat. We told you that we are apples and that’s just how apples are. But you didn’t listen. Then when we disapeared you guys didn’t do anything. So I plotted revenge on you stupid bananas. I took your friends in the night and threw them into the blender.” The Sour Apple explained.

The Sour Apple ran at the bananas screaming. He cut Banana Steve in half with his sword.

“Banana Steve!!!”

Banana Jo and the Sour Apple had an intense battle. The Sour Apple grabbed Banana Jo and tried to throw him into the blender. Just as the Sour Apple was going to throw Banana Jo into the blender, Banana Steve dragged himself over by his arms and pushed the Sour Apple into the blender.

“Banana Steve you saved my life!” Said Banana Jo.

Banana Steve tried to talk but he couldn’t get the words out of his mouth. Banana Steve slowly died in Banana Jo’s arms.

“Noooooooooooooooooooooo!!” Banana Jo yelled.